Monday, August 03, 2015

It's Hard To Believe, But...

...I go back to work a week from today.  School starts for the kids three days later, on Thursday.

It's too darned early to be starting school, especially in California in a classroom without effective air conditioning.


  1. We also start next Thursday. Why a Thursday? Who knows.

  2. I think it's a good idea. It seems a bit much for kids to go from nothing to a full week of school--like when you first start a job, the stress of the change often leads you to get a cold. I like those first two days (Thursday and Friday) to get preliminaries out of the way, and then the kids get a weekend break before hitting the ground running on Monday.

  3. Teachers report on start on the 11th. That's a week later than usual. But at least they moved spring break to the end of March and it won't snow the entire week. I hope.

  4. We don't have to worry about that much here in the Sacramento Valley!

  5. Why would you have airconditioning in Sacramento in August? School doesn't start until after labor day … oh, wait … no it doesn't ...

  6. why a Thursday? That would just be another excuse for our parents to take a longer vacation and enroll the kids Monday.
