Thursday, August 27, 2015

At Least Pretend There's A Drought

If I've had to let my front and back lawns die because I'm not allowed to water them as much as is needed to keep them alive in this heat, then perhaps you shouldn't be having your taxpayer-provided, gas guzzling, global-warming-creating SUV washed a few times a week:
Despite living in one of the most car-centric and image-conscious cities in the world, many Los Angeles drivers have cut their carwashes during the crippling drought.

Not so for the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

The majority of the supervisors wash their take-home cars two or three times a week, service records show, and actually washed them more frequently after Gov. Jerry Brown ordered a 25 percent cut in urban water use. As the county’s washes continue to consume tap water, some other local governments have pledged to skip washes for months or are using recirculated water...

Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas had his cars washed more frequently than any of the others, according to the documents obtained under the state public records law. In 2014, Ridley-Thomas had one of his Chrysler 300 Limited sedans washed an average of 2.7 times per week. After the mandate in April, workers washed it 3.1 times per week...

Two other supervisors — Michael Antonovich and Don Knabe — both wash their take-home SUVs about two times a week, and both increased the frequency of washes after Brown’s April mandate (he first declared a state of emergency in January 2014).
Reader and long-time friend MikeAT sent the link to me and had this to say:
I don’t know what is the biggest hypocrisy, the fact these libs in the middle of a drought have their taxpayer provided vehicles washed or the fact some get SUVs....
And some people want even more government, which means an even bigger and more powerful political class--even more people more equal than others.

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