Friday, July 24, 2015

Where Is All This Money Coming From?

The taxpayer, of course:
A day after announcing plans to boost its minimum wage to $15 an hour, the University of California approved 3 percent raises for 15 top administrators.

Among those to receive the salary increases are five campus leaders, including UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi, and six executives at UC’s medical centers and laboratories that are not paid with state funds. They will earn between $231,750 and $991,942 annually; Katehi will make $424,360.

The university’s governing board authorized the raises at its meeting Thursday without public discussion, except to note that they were for senior managers who have been in their position for at least a year and had not received a pay increase in the last year.

Read more here:


  1. When I went to Cal Day in April, some student were protesting a tuition hike. I think I figured (guesstimating) that it would raise fees for CA residents from 17K/year to 20K/year. So there's that.

    When I went in the early 90s, Berkeley had a lot of students from ordinary, not-wealthy families. We considered the fees to be high--high enough that we often struggled to afford them, even with jobs and whatever help we could get. I don't think that's true anymore--surely only wealthy families can even think about affording this. I have a 15yo and am advising her to aim at BYU, which I can afford. I don't even think about the UC system as a viable option. In fact, it's actually cheaper to send my kid to BYU than it is to have her live at home and go to the local CSU school. It's supposed to be a university system for the people of California, but it ain't.

  2. Why from you-the happy Californian resident with endless income to exploit. I'm sure there will be plenty of needless social programs like "Crocheting for Transsexuals" and "How To Build Your Homeless Hovel."

  3. So, these Adminidoofuses got raises for...for....performance, I guess?
    And what did they do to deserve these raises? Did they increase scores? improve graduation rates? create diversity and retain students of non-whiteness? (This is, you realize, a rhetorical question.)
    And as Jean above pointed out, Brigham Young University is, if you can get in, an incredible bargain for a private school.
