Monday, July 27, 2015

Travel Next Summer

A friend gave me a map for either Christmas or my birthday; like a lottery ticket, you scratch off the silver color on the places you've been to reveal color below.  I used to think I was well traveled but when I look at this map I see I've only been to North America, Europe, and the Caribbean.  I've never been to Africa, to Asia,or south of the equator.

This got me to thinking about next summer.  Summer here will be winter south of the equator, but that isn't necessarily a problem--after all, how warm was Northern Europe a few weeks ago?!  Looking at the map, 2 places jumped out to me:  Buenos Aires, and Madagascar.  Both seem like they'd be very interesting and rewarding trips.  I also found a cruise that starts in Singapore, goes north to SE Asia, and then south to Perth, Australia.

So that's what I'm looking into for now.  No telling where I'll actually go, but these three trips seem like a good place to start.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    You should put Sydney on your list
    of possibles. It is easy to spend
    a week just in Sydney.

    -Mark Roulo
