Thursday, July 16, 2015

Help Me Choose A Picture!

In the past I've sought reader feedback on which of my pictures I should hang on my walls at home and I've always been pleased with the results--so why not try it again?

At the link above you see my pictures of Dubrovnik, Croatia, and Bodie, California, printed on aluminum and hanging in my dining room.  The aluminum pictures are so popular with visitors that when I got an online deal to buy some more at a greatly-reduced price, I bought two.

The first picture (from my most recent vacation) was a slam dunk:

That's from "Phase 1" of my trip.  Phases 2 and 3 were the cruise, followed by Iceland, so the other picture needs to be from one of them.  Please use the comments to vote for your favorite!  Look at the pictures at the link above and see which of these will look the best:
 rooftop view of Tallinn, Estonia

 Peterhof Palace, St. Petersburg

Hallgrimm's Church with Leif Erickson statue, Reykjavik

view across the Tjornin Pond, Reykjavik

rooftop view of Reykjavik

Geysir, after which all other geysers are named.  Iceland


  1. Anna A1:48 PM

    I can't choose just one, but I think that the best two are the Peterhop palace and the Halgrimm Church

  2. Those are all beautiful, but for the purposes of wall-hanging I would choose either the Peterhof Palace or the rooftops of Reykjavik.

  3. Matthew Tabor1:57 PM

    My vote: Tallinn!

    My own favorites are the ones out the window of the places I stayed. That's the image implanted most firmly in my memory -- what I looked at, for better or worse, day in and day out.

    It was my unique view on that given day -- no one else's. As magnificent as some of the monuments, etc., are, their view wasn't as unique to me.

    The Tallinn photo reminds me of the views I've had of strange cities, where there are a quadrillion pixels to look at and each of them worth a little attention.

  4. rooftop, Estonia.
    I believe this one complements the others best.

  5. Hands down, rooftop view of Tallinn, Estonia

    The framing and color contrasts are by far the best in this photo.

  6. I like the simplicity of the Geysir photo. The others are cluttered with roofs and windows (except for the Hallgrimm church photo.)
    The problem with the Hallgrimm church is that it's too monochrome.

  7. Hallgrimm church blends well with the shapes and angle of the camera, but it is monochromatic. Tallinn is my favorite of all the pictures. Either one of those would work well.

  8. The first one is the most dramatic and the best composition. If you're friends with someone who has Photoshop, it might be fun to throw some filters on their to give it a different look.

  9. Not too many votes, but Tallinn is the winner.
