Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Summer Camp!

I'm sure all our diversity-loving, open-minded, somewhat totalitarian (why else would they like government so much) friends on the left will be packing up their kids and sending them to an international summer camp like this one:
The Associated Press has published photos of opening day at a nearly 30-year-old summer camp in North Korea on July 29, 2014.
The Songdowon International Children’s Camp in Wonsan is supposed to help young foreigners (especially from Communist countries) get acquainted with the isolated country, attracting over 300 attendees from Russia, China, Vietnam, Ireland and Tanzania, the AP reports. Charging $270 per child, the government-subsidized camp boasts activities like cooking, volleyball, swimming at a private beach, boating and even access to a water slide. Accommodations include air-conditioned rooms with video games.
OK, the story's a year old, but still, what great fun!


  1. pseudotsuga8:25 AM

    Ireland?! Some Nutjobs in Ireland have enough money and love for Sung-brand Communism that they send their kids to North Korea for a summer camp?
    Useful idiots is the term that best comes to my mind.
    Do they also get tours of the *other* summer camps? y'know, the political reeducation camps where people starve to death? Hey, they could have inter-camp games! One camp against the other in the spirit of healthy competition!
    They can learn friendly camp songs,like "Hail, Hail, ICC, it's fun to be communists, like you and me!"

  2. And they all look so happy. Not.
