Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Nirvana of Anxiety

At least twice this year, here and here, I've written about increasing student diagnoses of anxiety.  As I stated in those posts, I lean more towards the philosophy that we should teach students to accommodate their own anxiety, to learn to deal with it, rather than expect the rest of the world to accommodate and adapt to them.  I don't view that as a harsh or unfeeling view, merely one that will work in the real world.

If you were in the hospital, would you want this person as your nurse?
A Pennsylvania university nursing student is suing the school after failing a required course twice, saying anxiety and depression made it difficult for her to concentrate.

Jennifer Burbella claims her Misericordia University professor did not do enough to help her pass a class on adult health patterns.

Burbella said the professor gave her a distraction-free environment and extra time for her final exam when she took the class the second time, but did not respond to telephoned questions as promised, giving her even more stress.

Burbella said she started to break down in tears because of the lack of help.
The article points to federal discrimination law, which I assert is a case study in the concept of the road to Hell being paved with good intentions.

And to answer my own question:  no, I myself would not want this person as my nurse.


  1. We have a low functioning on the spectrum student whose parents insist she be enrolled in upper level curriculum in spite of her low IQ. When confronted with a test she can't do, she has been known to break open a pen and smear the ink on the table, her face and her clothes. Her parents insist, despite her low IQ and low test scores that she will go to college. Her father is a powerful and wealthy attorney that will sue the pants off of any institution that refuses any and all modifications and accommodations. I pity any school that admits her because they WILL have to pass her on every test, in every class, or they will end up in costly litigation. This is what we deal with daily in my school. It is why I can't wait to retire.
