Saturday, May 23, 2015

Stop Digging

This is older than her most recent outbursts, but it's pretty clear that Boston University has hired someone who is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs:
MAYBE B.U. NEEDS TO RETHINK ITS HIRING PROCESS: BU hire set up sex profile for rival: Was ‘jealous’ coed when busted in 2008...

Did BU know about all these problems when they hired her? If not, why not? And what characteristics did she possess that made her more appealing than the other 100+ candidates?
Read more details at Instapundit.


  1. One wonders if a male candidate with similar legal baggage would even be considered. I doubt it.

  2. I really can't work up any outrage over this one. For whatever reason, BU liked her best.We all know that the job doesn't always, and probably rarely goes to the 'best' candidate. But her tweets, given her subject area, are pretty innocuous. I didn't sense hate in what she wrote; I sensed a 'here's something to think about.' You commonly headline your blog with similar headlines … and with the exception of the one I wrote about, I've never found them offensive. Calling things in to question is a good thing for teachers … and Boston is not exactly one of your more black-friendly towns.It's improving, but, still. This is one to let go, I think.

  3. You didn't sense hate? Did you not *read* what she's written lately, that got her into the lukest-warm water that should've been boiling? If a white person would get a job offer recinded for saying the same thing--and I'm 100% sure he/she would have--then it's not OK for a black person to say it, either. We're either equal or we're not, there's no gray area on this topic.
