Monday, May 11, 2015

Only Under Disinfecting Sunlight Do They Kinda Sorta Do The Right Thing

Yes, Boston University was correct in pointing out that one of its professors was exercising her First Amendment rights by openly and blatantly attacking white males.  Once word got out, though, they backtracked somewhat and expressed a little chagrin at what she said:
Boston University had a weekend change of heart about a new professor's angry tweets about white people, after and others reported on the racially-charged comments -- and Terrier alumni threatened to stop writing checks...

“The University does not condone racism or bigotry in any form and we are deeply saddened when anyone makes such offensive statements,” Riley told Saturday...

“If she were a white racist rather than an anti-white racist, she would never be hired."
If it weren't for double standards, academia would have no standards at all.


  1. Isn't it time to stop hiring professors based on the shallow test of race and gender and start hiring the most intelligent and knowledgeable person for the job?

  2. The final statement by BU was ridiculous, but why should we be upset that she hates white males? Surely if she wer to translate this in to favoritism in grading, there's an issue … but that was not documented here.

  3. "...If it weren't for double standards, academia would have no standards at all."

    Great line! Is it original?


  4. I'm sure it is--to somebody :)
