Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Now That Ramadi Has Fallen...

Just go here for a reminder of Biden's and Obama's bragging about how peaceful Iraq was in 2010, about Obama's 2008 statement that preventing genocide would not be enough of a reason to keep our troops in Iraq (I guess brown-skinned people don't matter to him, and he was warned), and other salient commentary and videos providing damning evidence of just what an incompetent president we have.

1 comment:

  1. I know; just a couple of more years. I don't see a better prospect coming in'16 …I was going to go off reservatiom and vote for Bernie Sanders, because he ws honest, but he just blew it by sayingwe could have free college for everyone. Nope. Hillary is a liar; Rand ruined my support because he was a libertarian in principle, but he's rying his best not to be; Cruz and Santrum are overly religious nut cases; Bush supports Common core and open borders; Scott Walker doesn't understand basic economics; Ben Carson -- how can someone be such a brilliant surgeon and a completely an idiot at the same time; Carly … whatever .. she seems reasonable, but you can't discount what she did in her tenure as CEO; I'm down to the dregs … I absolutely don't want Hillary in office, but if you can't nominate someone I'm at least marginally in agreement with? Well, I go Libertarian again. Right now, I'm down to Rubio -- who at least seems modrately honest and not completely against my beliefs; Mike Huckabee, who, even though he is also a religious nut is an incredibly rational, likeable man who -- like Clinton -- might be able to promote compromise, and Lindsey Grahem -- who, every time I se him, makes sense … and yet terrrifies me is ome irraional way aI can't describe. So, Republicans? It's really not enough to say that Hillry is awful. She is. but that does not win over the Independent/Libertarian voter.
