Monday, May 04, 2015

Mystery To Me

In front of my house I have two sections of lawn, a very small one to the left of my driveway and my "front lawn" to the right side of my driveway.

The section on the left is a little wild, and in the middle of it some beautiful flowers from my neighbor's patch have started growing.  I don't know what they are--marigolds?  But even though they were in the middle of this patch of grass, I liked how they looked.  They add color and life and they look wild.

Or they did until a couple days ago, when I notice that someone had cut them down.  Why would someone do that?

The plot thickened today.  I noticed that someone had mowed my lawn on both sides of the driveway, that's why the flowers were cut off.  I mowed it perhaps two weeks ago so it didn't look any shorter to me, but the "trails" left by the lawnmower wheels, that was the giveaway.  See, I usually mow my lawn "back and forth", and that's certainly how I mowed it last time.  But the lawnmower trails are going "up and down". 

Who mowed my lawn?  My neighbor's lawn isn't mowed, just mine.  It's totally bizarre.


  1. PeggyU10:22 AM

    I wonder if someone hired a lawn service and they went to the wrong address?

  2. It'll be interesting if they come to me for payment :)

  3. pseudotsuga4:13 PM

    You might have a set of lawn gnomes living in your foundation...?

  4. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Wasn't me. I live on a different coast. I *have* mowed my next-door neighbors' yard before, but on purpose, because they had just bought the place and hadn't moved in yet and the wife was seven months pregnant and ... yeah, just being a good neighbor.

  5. When my son bought his first house, someone cut his lawn for the first two years. He never saw who did it, no one asked for money, and none of the neighbors had any ideas. His was the only one that was getting cut. After the second year, it stopped and to this day, he has no idea who was doing it.

  6. Someone is looking for your sprinkler system, so he can 'trip' and injure himself, and sue you. You very definitely need an "Absolutely no self mowing " sign to protect yourself.

  7. Same Anonymous as 3rd Above9:11 PM

    OK, this is freaky. Someone edged my curb, sidewalk, and driveway this weekend! And I'm still on a different coast from you.

  8. Send them my way, I could use some edging!
