Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mixed Messages

But we're not supposed to water our lawns.


  1. Come now … you know perfectly well that the governmant probably over printed a huge batch of those 5 years ago, and now they don't want to waste them by not mailing them out ...

  2. Time to tear out your lawn and put in a nice zen rock garden...

  3. Issues to consider:
    1. cost
    2. weeds (they're *bad* here)
    3. summer heat (rocks vs grass)

    I don't know that there's an *ideal* solution, only least-worst ones.

  4. I think a fun game to play would be for the government to trace the calls of people making complaints, then target them for fines for excessive water use (since they would be the ones with the nice yards ...

  5. Anonymous7:34 AM

    The flyer is amusing, but even if the lawn/grass/weeds are not to be watered, you'll want to keep them cut low in case of fire. My family got to evacuate during that 1985 Santa Cruz Mountains fire (fire got to within about 1/2 mile of our house), and I still remember the Oakland Hills fire in 1991. *Everything* survives better when the fire doesn't have lots of handy fuel!

    -Mark Roulo
