Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Left's Latest Methods of Stifling Debate

I'll just lift the entire brief post from the Instapundit:
SARAH HOYT: Take Your Nose Off My Fist. ” If your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose, what if I move my nose and rest it on your fist, so you can’t move?” Well, that’s the whole point of “safe spaces,” “trigger warnings,” and the like.


  1. You know, I'll play, Sarah Hoyt. First Sarah, ifmy fist is extended, and you were to touch your nose to it, uninvited, you have technically comitted the crime of battery; and, since noses excrete fluids capable of transmitting disease, it 's very possible it could be considered assault with a deadly weapon. But, let's just suppose I'm nice enough not to press incredibly nit-icky charges, unlike you, who wish toabrige my Constitutional right to free speech. If your noseis resting on my fist, exactly how am I going to be able to swing it at you? I might, depending on my balance be able to nudge you, but if I want to swing, wouldn't I need to rear back, breaking contact with your nose, and then swing?

  2. I think you *completely* misunderstand Sarah's point. Go read it again.

  3. Darren, you are completely correct … this one of the rare times where I did not actually read the article, because after reading your snippet, I was so furious I wanted to lash out immediately, and I took it at face value. So, instead of it being a criticism of her point? Let's make it a complement to it, and I vow to be more judicious in the future …
