Sunday, February 15, 2015

Imperfect Timing

I hate missing school so perhaps the timing isn't so bad after all, but--our district has this entire week off for what I call Ski Week, and I'm sick.

I noticed it starting to come on Friday evening, last night I was sure it would hit today.  I'm not in horrible shape, but I can't even bring my self to go outside for a walk, and it was plenty sunny and warm today.  Instead I opened the windows and doors--nobody wants to be in a house full of cooties!--and spent a couple hours listening to an audiobook of Unbroken.  Some tv and plenty of tea and hot chocolate and handfulls of Cheerios later, I'm heading back to bed to listen to some more of the story.

I don't feel like things will get much worse, so I anticipate being well enough to venture out on Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Some pesky upper respiratory crud has been circulating through my school since Thanksgiving. Since mid-December I've been to the doctor three times for ear infections, chronic cough, swollen lymph nodes and sore throat. I've spent far too much money and still have a cough. I read that the flu shot this year was only 23% effective. I believe it.
