Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Do You Want A Government That Would (or even could) Do This?

I'm floored at the level of government that some people actually applaud:
Puerto Rico is weighing a measure that some lawmakers feel may be the solution to childhood obesity – a fat fine.

The bill, introduced by Sen. Gilberto Rodríguez Valle on Monday, calls for hitting the parents of obese children with a fine if their offspring’s excess weight seems to arise from their neglect, reports El Nuevo Día.

Sen. Jose Luis Dalmau defended the measure as "necessary for society" and argued that there should be ramifications for parents of children whose weight gets out of control.
I know what let's do!  I assert that that being well-educated is "necessary for society" and "that there should be ramifications for parents of children" who get F's in school.  Let's fine the parents of F students!

I know what let's do!  I assert that decorum is "necessary for society" and "that there should be ramifications for parents of children" who use foul language in public.  Let's fine the parents of pottymouths!

I know what let's do!  I assert that having a good work ethic is "necessary for society" and "that there should be ramifications for parents of children" who are capable but don't work.  Let's fine the parents of jobless students!

I know what let's do--Let's tar and feather politicians who suggest such stupid things.

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