Monday, December 15, 2014

Life Update

No word yet on my performance on the test I took last Friday.  Studying for the final exam continues unabated.

3rd period seemed gleeful at the prospect of being allowed donuts in class during the final exam.

My signature chocolate banana pie for tomorrow's "dessert lunch" is ready to go.

My last present as Secret Snowman is ready for delivery tomorrow.  I've received two nice gifts, a Star Trek communicator and a 49ers t-shirt.

No word yet on whether or not my son will get leave to come home at Christmas, since he's still in-processing at the post and has not even been assigned to a unit yet.  If he can't come home, I'll drive up to Washington to go see him.

That's it for now!

1 comment:

  1. So he's up at JBLM, Darren?
    That's just down the road from me.
    I'll wave to him for you!
