Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Obamacare Solves All Those Problems We Had Pre-Obamacare, Right?

A fully-insured Wisconsin woman may soon have to file for bankruptcy after she suffered cardiac arrest and was taken, while unconscious, to an emergency room that wasn't in her healthcare network...

But this is not to say that Blue Cross-Blue Shield paid nothing toward Rothbauer's care.

The company says it paid its maximum for in-network care--$156,000 of the original $254,000 charged by St. Mary's.

It's called balance billing and its 100 percent legal, even specifically allowed under the Obamacare. 

That left $98,000, which Rothbauer successfully negotiated down to $9,800. However, as WISCTV points out, that doesn't cover bills from specific doctors, for the ambulance, the therapist, etc.

Now the fully-insured professional is stuck with a $50,000 bill because of some bad timing and a few blocks.

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