Friday, November 14, 2014

Long Couple of Days

It started yesterday.  We had our usual Thursday after-school collaboration as well as a staff meeting.  After that I met with a student for over an hour to prep for his congressman's interview panel tomorrow for service academy nominations.

Today we met at lunch again to see how much he'd polished up his presentation since the previous afternoon.  And after school today I met with one of my own students who will go before the same panel tomorrow, and she and I worked on her interviewing skills.  Then I met with a former student who studies math at a nearby college, he wanted to go over something he couldn't exactly remember from the pre-calculus course I taught him however many years ago.

And then I had a class' worth of tests to grade, important not just for promptness' sake but also because progress reports are due to be completed by Tuesday.  All the tests are done and entered into the computer, I just have to put in a few assignments and then do the progress reports--an easy job for Monday.

Tomorrow I have 4 1/2 hours of training at a nearby high school.  To be honest I'm not really interested in the training, but if the school district has the money they're going to spend it somehow and it may as well go to me.  It'll be wonderful if I get something useful out of it.

And I feel like I'm behind where I should be with my master's course, which means I'll probably be spending some time tomorrow studying.

It's a long couple of days.

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