Monday, November 03, 2014

How Pathetic Has Hazing Become?

The hazing in this story is puerile and stupid and pathetic, not "repulsive" or "hell":
Two Medgar Evers College freshmen have blown the whistle on a CUNY ­sorority’s secret hazing.

Wooed by Gamma Beta Delta, Shawntee Caton, 17, and Gabby Jones, 18, had planned to join the impressive-seeming sisterhood when things turned ugly. They were blindfolded, interrogated about sex acts, humiliated and asked if they could be tied to a tree naked, the girls told The Post.
The blindfolding might be slightly scary.  "Interrogation" about sex acts seems like standard teen/college fare.  Unless there was more than the story mentioned, the closest I could see to "humiliated" was "chided" or harassed.

And if you're asked if you can be tied to a tree, is that really hazing at all?  It's sounds to me more like "thank you, sir, may I give you another?"

The two freshmen should refuse to be in this sorority not because the so-called hazing was so hellish, which it wasn't, but because the women in that sorority were so pathetic at it, and because they couldn't even see how pathetic they were.

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