Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Where Is This Horrible Problem?

Regular readers may have noticed that I've been on a mission lately about California's stupid new law that attempts to regulate sex between college students (and only between college students).  A week ago I pointed to some statistics that indicate that there's no real sexual violence problem at local UC Davis, and in today's major Sacramento paper we learn there's no real sexual violence problem at CSU Sacramento, either:
Crime on the Sacramento State University campus declined last year, according to information reported under the federal Clery Act.

The campus reported one sex offense, compared to three in 2012 and two in 2011. The assault took place at a residential facility on campus, according to the report.
CSUS has an undergraduate enrollment of over 25,000 students in addition to graduate and post-graduate students.  Where is this so-called problem that's to be solved by the silly new law?

Read more here:


  1. It's an election year issue. The statement made by the president regarding one in five women being raped was a gross overstatement based on the same flawed theories that gave us Global Warming. The powers that be on the Left MUST create these problems so that they can appear to solve them. The problem with things like healthcare and climate change is that there are many people on the other side not willing to accept questionable data as Gospel truth.

  2. You also need to be careful how you define sexual violence ... although neither is appropriate, a violent rape and an unwanted grope can be put in the same category, depending on how you want the stats to come out.

  3. Actually on some campuses, something as innocent as an off color joke or a stolen kiss can be labeled as sexual assault.

  4. Which would be silly if the consequences of doing so weren't so horrific.
