Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Suspending An Honor Student

Yes, honor students sometimes do stupid things, too, but it's not the student who's acting stupidly in this story:
The 17-year-old Michigan honor student who was initially expelled after a 3 ¼-inch pocketknife was found in her purse during a football game in September will be suspended for the year instead and be able to take online classes and graduate with her class next year, reported.

Though the Dearborn Heights District 7 Board of Education softened the punishment, Atiya Haynes said the board, which met on Monday, made up its mind before it handed down the ruling.

Haynes, who reportedly has a 3.0 GPA and hopes to attend Howard University, does not deny having the pocketknife...(but) said she forgot about it.

The school board said its hands were tied in the case because it is required to uphold state laws. The state has a zero-tolerance rule.
When you don't have to think, you won't. They're not thinking.

Stupid laws, like laws that aren't enforced, breed contempt for all laws--and for the people who create and enforce them.  Good job, idiots.


  1. Jerry Doctor9:32 AM

    Zero tolerance rules are a stupid attempt by stupid people to deal with the stupid application of stupid laws by stupid people.

    On another point, 3.0 = honors student? Maybe once but in today's world a 3.0 is probably below average. (Funny - kids today don't seem to be smarter than they used to be.)

  2. The only problem is ... which laws are stupid is a matter of opinion. I've got a number of laws / school regulations which I find stupid, and while I'm sure we have a fair amount of overlap, We definitely disagree on others ... the real problem is zero tolerance. Anything which forces people to make a decision not based on the unique facts of each case is ... incredibly stupid. Then again? School districts are leads likely to be sued ...
