Monday, October 27, 2014

Press Bias?

What else explains this?
This is a tale of two women politicians.

One is a Republican running in “blue” New York. Her name is Elise Stefanik, a Harvard alum who served in the Bush White House and now works for her family’s upstate plywood business.

If elected — and the latest poll has her 8 points up — the 30-year-old will make history as the youngest woman ever elected to Congress.

The other is Democrat Wendy Davis.

Davis too boasts a Harvard degree, from the law school. Back in June 2013, she was heralded as the voice of American women when she tried — and failed — to stop her fellow Texas legislators from passing a law restricting abortion after 20 weeks. Now she’s running for governor, where the latest poll has her down 13 points.

Guess who’s the national sensation?

1 comment:

  1. We all know which issue is sexier … no pun intended. I must say, though -- abortion has been decided, and the Republicans can be as anti-abortion ever as they want. But when they do? They lose votes. I regularly vote for candidates who can't win based on principle -- but if Republicans could let this issue go? Then Wendy Davis has no issue to run on. So, suck it up, try for legislation that makes it less likely that abortion is even necessary except in rare cases, and trumpet the cases that really matter to the country as a whole … because, if you ever want to have Roe v. Wade overturned, you kind of need a President to get elected who feels the same.
