Wednesday, October 22, 2014

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

I tried to do something nice for people.

Some teachers are really having a difficult time dealing with the pressure of what we've been going through at school the last few days.  I thought I'd do something nice for the folks I eat lunch with, so I brought in some kettlecorn and popped it in the microwave at lunch.

Can you see where this is going?

I tried to get the smoking bag out of the room before the smoke alarm went off, but alas, I failed.  Some interpreted the fire alarm as a lockdown, given all the events of the last few days, and the office even made an announcement that we were not in lockdown but were to follow the fire evacuation procedures.  Kids are everywhere, lunches are everywhere, the fire department showed up even though all of us, including the office, knew the issue was only a smoking bag of popcorn.

Last time I try to do something nice for people!


  1. PeggyU6:33 PM

    My husband has just the invention that would have prevented this. I wish I could get him to market it.

  2. An air popper? :-)

  3. This is why microwave popcorn is banned for employees at the hospital where I work!

  4. We always use one of these:

  5. Same with us at Census Auntie Ann. After a number of building evacuations (~5000 employees) due to microwave popcorn, it was outlawed for anyone to make.

    Didn't help that the last time it happened, the Census Director was participating in a day-long international conference in the building. Having to tell folks who traveled halfway around the world that the conference was interrupted for an hour due to popcorn was not well-received.

  6. Just think of what we could have done with a microwave in Mr. Tsuda's chemistry lab!
