Friday, October 24, 2014

Crescendo et Coda

If you've been reading my blog for the past week you know it's been a wild week.  A student protest, news vans, a threat of a school shooting--and the fire alarm going off during lunch on the day of the supposed shooting threat.  Nerves are a little frazzled.

Have you been watching the news out of Sacramento today?  Cops shot, etc.?  Well, it happened right down the road from my school, close enough that we were in a lightened version of a lockdown for awhile, one that continued about 20 minutes into lunch.  Nerves are a little frazzled.

And have I told you that I teach in an upscale area?  Waiting at a stoplight near school the other morning I counted 4 Mercedes sedans and 1 Mercedes SUV pass me going the other direction.

Yes, I had a double during 7th period (Happy Hour) today.

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