Monday, September 08, 2014

Liberals Are Totalitarians

Always have been, always will be.

Here's the 8-zillionth example:
Donna Brazile is a Democrat activist and frequent on-air spokeswoman for the party, when she’s not pretending to be an objective analyst. And she was the manager for Vice President Gore’s unsuccessful campaign in 2000. She also, apparently, deeply desires rule-by-decree in the United States.

This morning she tweeted...
These fascists will be the first to talk about the rule of law and the separation of powers and all those other folksy, cornpone ideas the day a Republican becomes president.  Until then, marvel at their brazenness in demonstrating for you what I have told you so many times: liberals believe in compulsion, it's all they know.


  1. Is she NOT aware that that is exactly why we HAVE a Congress? I guess so...

  2. It's been my observation that liberals insist that all others must listen to their views ad nauseum, but whenever someone dares to offer a different opinion, or worse, a fact that disputes a liberal view, liberals are the first to indulge in character assassination and namecalling. I am so tired of it.

  3. Of course they aren't ... school and platonics sEEEEnoriem

  4. allen (in Michigan)3:33 AM

    Spoiled rich kids.

    Rules for them are annoyances to be ignored where possible and if you are caught, a good reason to work on your lying skills.

  5. pseudotsuga4:33 PM

    She must have had the same Constitutional Law instructors that Obama did in law school...
