Thursday, September 11, 2014

How Much Does That Free Health Insurance Cost?

To the surprise of no one but rabid socialists, Americans are paying more for health insurance under Obamacare then they were prior:
Supporters of Obamacare took a victory lap when the first premium numbers were released for 2015 and the increases weren’t quite so “scary” as first thought. But there’s a reason for that. As USA Today reports, premiums aren’t going up so much because policyholders are seeing big hikes to out-of-pocket expenses...
Anyone with the slightest knowledge of economics knew that this would be the only possible result.

We now cut to a clip of Will and Grace:


  1. my individual premium has increased by $50/mo, base cost of prescriptions has more than tripled, deductible has tripled. Not a surprise to me. but hard to live with.

  2. And I do, and I've been trumpeting it all along. You can't reduce costs without reducing costs ... and Obamacare doesn't. It just shuffles them to different places ...

  3. allen (in Michigan)9:16 PM

    The hell of it is to the supporters of Obamacare this sort of thing doesn't matter. They'll have their rationalizations which they'll cling to like a drowning man to a life preserver.
