Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Do You Ever Just Feel Angry?

Today I'm angry, and I don't even know why.

It's not like I didn't get enough sleep.  I was asleep by 9 last night!

It's not really my students.  For the most part I like them, they seem like a nice bunch of people.  Sure, I don't like all the whining--can I have more time for my test?--but that just stirred up the anger, it wasn't the cause of it.

Our idiot of a president is probably going to explain tonight why we have to fight IS/ISIL/ISIS in Iraq and/or Syria, but will conveniently leave out that he is the reason we left Iraq early (President Bush explained what would happen if we did that) and he'll also leave out why it was so important for us to intervene in Egypt and Libya but not in Syria.  That brings my anger to a boil, but what causes the anger in the first place?

Getting 10 more students didn't help.  Having to go back to school tonight (for Back To School Night!) isn't the cause.

I have a friend who sometimes, for no apparent reason, goes into what he calls a "blue funk".  He just feels somewhat depressed, and after a day or two, he feels fine again.  Maybe instead of getting depressed I just get angry.  I don't know.

Whatever it is, I sure don't like it.


  1. i don't know ... but I suspect you may be downplaying the horror that is back to school night. There is no greater waste of bot parent's and teacher's time ... at least at the high school level. You get just enough time to introduce yourself and pass out the syllabus you already gave the student ... My anger would peak at that evening ...

  2. PeggyU4:06 PM

    Maybe it's depression manifested as anger? I've heard that anger may be a symptom of depression. But I think I can tell you what the cause is. Tomorrow is 9/11, and I have found in years past that as that day approaches I get melancholy and less energetic - without even consciously noting that it is approaching September 11th. Just a thought.

  3. Max, I actually understand BTS Night. It's Open House that truly has no place in high school.

    Peggy, I don't even think about 9/11. If that's what it is, then it's subconscious.

  4. I agree with you about Open House ... it's a time for parents to complain about grades. But BTS night you have 10 minutes to do everything. It's tilting at windmills...

  5. Our "Meet the Teacher Night" is Monday. I will have to stay from 7:20 in the morning to 9:20 at night for six or seven parents out of 90 who will show up. It's a waste of my time and frankly demonstrates how little our administration cares about us as workers.

  6. I'm going to scratch your eyeballs out!
