Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Back To Iraq

Our genius president pulled us out of Iraq before the Iraqis themselves were ready.  As a result we have to go back there and cover some of the same ground (literally and figuratively) that we covered from 2003-2011.  This will result in more American deaths, and now that my son is a soldier I take that concern even more seriously than I have before.  And that's saying a lot.
As the U.S. expands its war against the Islamic State, the Army is preparing to deploy a division headquarters to Iraq.

Officials have not identified the division that will deploy — the first division headquarters to go to Iraq since the U.S. withdrawal in 2011.

An official announcement is expected in the coming days. But Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno recently confirmed the Army “will send another division headquarters to Iraq to control what we’re doing there, a small headquarters.”

It’s unclear how many soldiers will be sent, or how long they will deploy. Division headquarters average between 100 and 500 soldiers and deploy for one year.
It's reasonable to wonder if, after sending a division headquarters, sending an entire division would be such a stretch.

Here's a comment from my West Point mailing list, which I received permission to repost here:
Yes, but since they will not be wearing any boots, then it doesn't really count...and besides, even if they are wearing boots, they will not be touching the ground...even if they touch the ground, it will all be good as long as they don't cross any red lines...
The president's an idiot.  His sole capability is fundraising, at everything else he's an abject failure.  Can anyone believe a word he says?


  1. Agreed. Stephen Colbert did a great bit about boots on the ground last week ... it's available on comedycentral ... but the opening quote was "Of course we won't have American boots on the ground ... all our footwear is made in China." Worse than Obama not being smart is that he thinks he is ... and after time and time again of being proved wrong, seems aloof...even if he isn't . I'm sure I only think that because I must be racist, though.

  2. Jerry Doctor3:50 AM

    When they say "No American boots on the ground," does that mean no American ground forces will be sent or that the army is now buying boots made in China?

  3. Jerry Doctor5:08 AM

    Max -

    Just call me "Mr. Redundant." (sigh)

  4. allen (in Michigan)5:18 AM

    Spoiled rich kid who finally got the big, showy job he'd been hankering for since he was a kid.

    Now that he's got the job it isn't just throwing his weight around, punishing those who oppose him, screwing off and hobnobbing with important people who defer to him. There are frickin' responsibilities that he can't just blow off!

    Who needs that, right? And when he just ignores those responsibilities they don't just go away! People, even people who are on his side, keep bringing them up.

    It's all so unfair. The presidency was supposed to fun and now it's turning into a bore and scary bore at that. Golf is better.

  5. Jerry ... I stole it from Colbert. BTW, if you didn't see it, it was on his 9/18 show, and the entire bit was hilarious ... you can see it at comedycentral's website. More footwear jokes than you can shake a leg at ...

  6. I, like Colbert and FOX commentator Greg Gutfeld am really tired of hearing the phrase 'boots on the ground.' I can't remember when a phrase has become cliched so quickly. And it's inaccurately used, too, because if we 1600 troops(which is the term we should use) ... we actually have 3200 boots on the ground. Except when they are marching ...
