Tuesday, August 05, 2014

The World Turned Upside Down

The weather was beautiful in Alaska, with the skies as bright as they were cloudless on many of the days.  People were not joking when they talked about getting "a sunburn in Skagway".  It was perfectly clear in Vancouver yesterday, with a temperature about 85 degrees.

Sacramento is socked in with overcast with a chance of light rain.  Temps in the 70s, with high humidity.

It's almost enough to make me a believer in "climate change"!


  1. when I went to Alaska, the weather was exactly like the Bay Area. And every Alaskan told me how lucky I was.... did you see the eagles?

  2. I spotted so many that a couple ladies nicknamed me "Eagle Eye."

    Pictures, of course, are coming over the next few days.

  3. PeggyU9:55 PM

    Eagles? Around here is lousy with them!

  4. They have a reserve up there ... basically repairing broken birds. One of my best memories of Alaska....
