Friday, August 22, 2014

How Much Lower Can We Go

Survivor, the Bachelor, Big Brother, and other brain-rotting television shows--you'd think we've gone about as far as we could go, but now look what's coming:
If you thought Dating Naked, VH1’s boner-poppin’, trolltastic reality series where contestants do just that—and whose participant, Jesse Nizewitz, is suing the network for $10 million for showing a brief flash of her unpixelated crotch while she play-wrestled with a random nude dude on the beach (really)—was the lowest of the low, well, think again.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: Sex Box.

On Thursday afternoon, The Hollywood Reporter reported that WE tv, a subsidiary of AMC Networks, has ordered the dating show Sex Box to series, picking up nine hour-long episodes. It will debut sometime in 2015. The show is an American adaptation of the UK Channel 4 series of the same name that sought to “reclaim sex from pornography” (their words) by having couples step into a giant box erected on the set, have sex inside of it, and then emerge for a post-coital chat about their seven minutes in heaven—or hell—with a panel of sexperts.


  1. "Naked an Afraid" should also make us ashamed ...

  2. PeggyU10:53 PM

    They can show that on tv?!

  3. I don't watch much tv anymore. If Marvel Agents of Shield returns this fall, I'll watch it. I'll also watch some 49er and/or Raider games on Sundays. With so little tv viewing you can understand why I don't have cable but rather get my tv over-the-air, as I have for decades :-)

  4. allen (in Michigan)8:57 PM

    PeggyU, I believe, from some of the promos, that they use digital blurring of the offending gentleman and lady parts.

  5. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Rome is burning and Nero plays golf.

  6. Allen, you're right ... which is why she has a lawsuit. Apparently, hey messed up once and failed t o blur.I don't get it ... if I wanted to see blurred genitals, I'd just download Japanese porn. Or so I hear.

  7. Do you remember the reality show recommended by Alec Baldwin on "30" Rock"? "MILF Island" ... it's getting close.

  8. And Darren, I know you don't do cable, but a free month of netflix binge watching "House of Cards," "True Detective," "Fargo (the series)" and Orange is the New Black would be 'not' money well spent.
