Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Cost of College Textbooks

Next Monday begins my next master's level course, linear optimization.  Of course I had to purchase the textbook.

Turns out that the textbook was written by my instructor--at least I know it'll be referenced in class!  I received it today:  more of a spiral-bound notebook than a textbook, and only 163 pages.

The cost?  Under $30, including UPS delivery.  I am not complaining!


  1. pseudotsuga7:52 PM

    Wow--that's a cheap textbook! Gotta love that.

  2. Everybody was thrilled when my college physics waves course use a Dover paperback classic textbook. It was in a similar price range. I learned to love the Dover classics!

    Our 9th grader picked up her books yesterday, one of which was $180. I went online and bought a used copy at Amazon for about $45. We'll be returning the $180 one for full refund. She got assigned another big expensive book, but, unfortunately, they just came out with a new edition so there are no used ones to buy.

  3. Why does a 9th grader have to buy textbooks?

  4. That *does* explain things!

  5. Darren, Beth purchased her books for her nursing course. Granted, some of these books can be used over three semesters but she spent close to a grand! And this is for a BN. I shudder to think when she works on her Masters in Nursing(anesthesiology...she would like to pass gas!)
