Saturday, July 26, 2014

You Will Not Believe This

I am not a rich man.

I don't usually travel this much.  I can't afford to.  Sure, I can afford camping in Tahoe for two days earlier this week, but nothing major.  I've already done the Caribbean and Hawaii this summer.

But as of this morning, I'm going on another trip.  And I leave tomorrow.

For a 7-day cruise in Alaska.

My mother texted about 6am this morning.  Her beau is too sick to travel.  Did I want to go in his place?

It took a couple hours of hoop-jumping and we mostly got things switched over and the additional costs aren't huge given the magnitude of this trip!

It took several more hours before I nailed down someone to housesit for me for a week on 24 hrs notice, but it finally all came together.

So tonight I'm packing, and tomorrow I'm off to Alaska.

I never would've thunk it in a thousand years that I'd get to numbers 49 and 50--in the same summer!

I'm not going to pay the exorbitant cruise ship internet fees so I'll post some "blast from the past" posts each day....


  1. Make sure you see the bald eagles in kitka, if it's an option ...

  2. Congrats, Darren! I hope your mom's beau is better soon.

  3. PeggyU11:08 AM

    You have some sort of wonderful luck when it comes to travel. :) So ... if by chance you ever win a vacation to Antarctica and don't want it, I will gladly relieve you of the obligation.

  4. Lucky dog! Have fun in glacier land!
