Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Two Very Different Experiences

I had to get up at 0-dark-thirty to meet my shuttle bus to Kailua.  There I bicycled around town for awhile and then went on a couple-hour kayak tour.  I saw a sea turtle swimming in the ocean, so cool!

After the hustle and bustle of Waikiki, the slow, laid back atmosphere in Kailua was nice.

click to enlarge

I didn't take my camera out onto the kayak with me, but at this site you can see many pictures including some of the beach and mountains from out in the water:

When I got back from Kailua I asked to be dropped off at the US Army Museum of Hawaii at Fort DeRussy.  Very cool, especially the exhibit about AJA's (Americans of Japanese ancestry) here in Hawaii during WWII; their experience was nothing like that of those on the mainland.  Here are a couple of the pics I took there:
Haven't decided yet what tomorrow will bring!

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