Friday, June 20, 2014

Where's That $2500 Savings?

Remember that whole "bending the cost curve" (what does that mean, anyway?) and "lower premiums by up to $2500 for a typical family"?  I don't think lefties ever believed that, anyway; I think they wanted government-run health care no matter what.  It's an article of faith to them, results be damned:

3,137-County Analysis: Obamacare Increased 2014 Individual-Market Premiums By Average Of 49%

Was he lying?  Or just stupid and totally ignorant of economics?


  1. Why do I have to choose just one? I lean more towards ignorance of economics, as he enacted a plan that didn't reduce costs to insurers, and foisted off any savings to taxpayers ... and $2500/yr is a completely random number, anyway big does the family need to be? What sort of coverage? Etc. So, given that he had no tangible basis for that number, he's also a liar.

  2. Which means ... they likely could have been viable when W. invaded. I never believed that just because WE didn't find any that they hadn't been there. It just meant we couldn't find them, or that they moved them. We KNOW he had them, because he actually used them ... and made no effort to dissuade us, even at his peril,

  3. I'm quite sure your second comment belongs on another of today's posts.

    And from what I understand, these were ones we knew about and that had been identified to UN inspectors prior to our invasion.

  4. Yes, it does ... obviously the one pertaining to the chemical weapons being found. No idea how that happened ...
