Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Want To Be The Next Sal Khan?

Want to try your hand at teaching, maybe make a buck?
If you know mathematics well enough to teach it in a one-on-one setting, you have a real possibility to change the lives of a lot of young people.

There’s no question that Salman Khan has done a wonderful thing with his Khan Academy. His mathematics videos are very good. Well over a million students have taken advantage of these videos, and they are live all over the world. He has fundamentally changed the lives of more young people than any teacher in history. Yet he did this simply by posting YouTube videos on his site.

We know this much in education: “One size doesn’t fit all.” One teaching methodology doesn’t work for everybody. Anybody who thinks that there is a single theory of education that applies to as many as 80% of the population does not understand the findings of modern psychology. The learning process is astoundingly complex, and no one can get a handle on it.

There are a lot of homeschool mothers who fear the day when they must teach advanced mathematics to their children. They know that at that point, that they will have to turn over the instruction assignment to somebody else. This may be someone in a local homeschool cooperative. It may be a course on the Web. But the mothers know that they will have to bow out.

One of the ways that this can be done is to adopt Ray’s Arithmetic. This was widely used in the 19th century’s public schools. It is highly sophisticated. The textbooks are online free of charge. They are available to download on the Ron Paul Curriculum site.

If someone were to take these digital pages and create video lessons on them, he could post them on his own personal website. If they are any good, I will post them on the Ron Paul Curriculum site. They should be YouTube videos, the same way that the Khan Academy’s videos are.

1 comment:

  1. Ha - I actually have a copy of Ray's Higher Arithmetic / The Principles of Arithmetic, along with a few other antique arithmetic books. Of course, the language and applications are somewhat dated (e.g., "rule for aliquot parts," but my favorite is "promiscuous exercises") and would therefore need to be updated or adapted, no mean feat.

    I have considered doing something along the lines suggested in this post, so perhaps I should take this as an indication to get cracking ;)
