Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My Tax Dollars Pay For This Weirdo

Her specific mention of "white men" is most telling.  Why did she immediately follow it up with "men of color and queer men"?

I choose not to dance not because it makes me look unmanly, but because it makes me look spasmodic.  I choose not to do other things for other reasons, none of which has to do with manliness.   And that's OK, I'm a big boy and can make my own decisions.

Maybe she's bananas.  And I pay her salary.


  1. I also don't hit curve balls. What a stupid theory.

  2. PeggyU4:54 PM

    I don't dance because I look really stoopid when I do. My husband doesn't dance. This is a good thing because he steps on other people when he tries. It's best if we can both just sit the dances out and enjoy our drinks. :)

  3. The whole "gaining by admitting you 'can't' do something" is an interesting theory. Too bad she didn't have a better support for it and went on the usual rabbit trails of racism, sexism, and "normative" heterosexual whatever. Good grief.

  4. I actually see her point. But, I've tried to dance, I don't enjoy it, I don't forsee becoming better at it, and there are other things to do that I do like. If I could release all my inhibitions and not care what others thought of me, maybe I could dance. But would I be happier? I don't think so. Perhaps she should stop dancing. At least until she learns not to stick her nose in to other people's lives, uninvited.

  5. pseudotsuga9:20 PM

    Social "science" for the

  6. I think most men feel self-conscious on the dance floor. That being said, I can tell you that a man that can dance will have all the girls he wants. Ballroom dancing offers the type of physical intimacy that allows a man to demonstrate a softer more caring side. My older son doesn't dance, which is fine because neither does his wife. They are both very shy and retiring. My daughter of course taught dance and used to go with girlfriends to the big gay club downtown to dance with the guys without worrying about being hit on. My youngest son who is six four LOVEs to dance, but seldom gets to do so. My husband dances when he has enough Margaritas or wedding champagne in him.
