Friday, June 20, 2014

I Don't Want To Hear Any More About "Rape Culture"

Glorifying this scumbag?  Ew.  I don't even see how he's at all attractive, physically or otherwise.
Meet Jeremy Meeks. He's a 30-year-old felon who was arrested Wednesday on felony weapons charges during a sweep in the Weston Ranch area of Stockton, Calif., according to Stockton police.

He's also arguably the most popular suspect to grace the Stockton Police Department Facebook page.
Meeks' police mugshot generated 10,914 likes and 2,400 comments from Wednesday night to Thursday morning, many from women claiming to admire his looks.

"Hottttttt," Melissa Stiles wrote.

"Omg come to mama," Nicole Seba Lorena Elena commented.

"Holy [heck] i would arrest him too..hottest bad boy I've seen," Ellie Abbey wrote.

"He can kidnap me anyday... Hold me against my will lol," Jessica Gutierrez commented.


  1. PeggyU5:43 PM

    Ted Bundy was handsome too. Crap in a pretty package is still crap.

  2. This is nothing new. And the only difference is that there is now social media to spread the picture. Richard Ramirez had scores of fans ...

  3. Whyyyyy are people looking for hotties on the police department's facebook page? Something is really wrong with people.

  4. I hear Ted Bundy was attractive too. It didn't help his victims much. Some people are so superficial.

  5. Happy Elf Mom- you may not like my answer ... and I might be wrong. But: you don't see this phenomenon with men chasing felonious women. It goes hand in hand with the 'women dig the bad boys' stereotype ... i've lost out to the 'bad boy' that wound up cheating or beating on the woman i was courting more than once. I'm sure it's not universal, and your response indicates you don't fall in to that category, but I assure you ... stereotypes exist because they have an element of truth. How else would you come up with it?
