Monday, May 26, 2014

When Your Party Relies On Cheating At The Ballot Box...

Our entire system of government hinges on the consent of the governed, and election fraud throws that out the window:
It is an article of faith on the Left that voter fraud does not exist beyond the imaginations of racist right-wingers, hellbent on imposing "unconstitutional" voter ID laws fashioned to "suppress" minority turnout in elections. These objections are race-baiting nonsense; they're unsupported by both empirical evidence and Supreme Court precedent. The high court upheld Indiana's law in a 6-3 decision in 2008. The ruling was authored by uber-liberal Justice John Paul Stevens. And after Georgia implemented its own law in 2007 (which survived a legal challenge), minority voter participation increasedin the next two election cycles. ABC News has called voter fraud a "rare but real" phenomenon, evidenced by a number of relatively high-profile convictions in recent years. Congress defunded the left-wing group ACORN (for whom Barack Obama once organized) over widespread voter registration fraud and other outrages. The watchdog group True the Vote -- whose founder's businesses and family have been harassed by the IRS and other federal agencies -- documents voter fraud prosecutions in 46 states since 2000. Which brings us to a report that aired earlier this month on NBC's local affiliate in Ft. Myers, Florida. WBBH-TV reporter Andy Pierrotti managed to track down dozens of local residents who were (a) both non-US citizens and (b) registered to vote in the swing state. Many of them had illegally voted in recent elections. Here's the full report, followed by some analysis...
My guess is that these criminals are not voting Republican.


  1. It doesn't matter if there is or isn't voter fraud ... showing an ID is just as reasonable at a voting booth as it is when you buy cigarettes, or booze, or apply for any other government service.

  2. It amused me on Tuesday ... I had to vote provisionally, as my mail ballot never came, and by the time I realized it hadn't come, it was too late to get a replacement. But I did, and the polling station was being run by two Mexican-American ladies who had me fill out some basic paperwork, but would NOT check my ID. A reversal of fortune, or something.
