Sunday, May 04, 2014

Not An Award I Want To Win

If these are the "dishonorable mentions", I definitely don't want to win the grand prize, either:
President Barack Obama honored 2014 National Teacher of the Year Sean McComb during a White House ceremony on Thursday.

In his remarks about McComb, a Baltimore, Md. high school English teacher, Obama took the opportunity to praise every member of the teaching profession.

“To all the teachers who are out there, and the millions who are working hard in classrooms all across our nation, we want to thank you,” the president said. “You’re doing the Lord’s work.”

As we all know, however, the Lord works in mysterious ways. His work can sometimes seem to vex everyone—especially when it comes to these 11 teachers.
In the staff lounge we periodically joke that we should dress like our students for one day, that seeing us like that might give them an idea of how inappropriately they're dressed.  Perhaps imitating students isn't the best idea, as we learn on page 2 of the link:
Greg Abernathy and Connie Lambert, a pair of teachers at Olive Branch High School in Olive Branch, Miss. decided to twerk in front of a classroom full of students. At least one student whipped out a camera and began filming for posterity. That video then became a local viral sensation. Abernathy is bent over in front, gleefully throwing his ass around. Lambert is behind him, waving her hands in the air like she just doesn’t care. In an especially brilliant flourish, Abernathy and Lambert said they performed the crude dance because they wanted to warn students about what it looks like when people dance crudely.

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