Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Who Will Protect Us???

You definitely want to hear the kid's question and Friedman's answer to it:

Cut to today:
The government knew about GM ignition problems and did nothing
The agency charged with keeping drivers safe has some explaining to do.
Didn't Friedman warn us about collusion between corporations and government?


  1. Uncle Milty ... damn I loved him, ... and was lucky enough to see him an WF Buckley debate Bill Honig (current CA Superintendent of sChools) and some other hack I can't remember on the issue of school vouchers at UCD ...Milton is brilliant. Was brilliant. He's still the only economist I can think of who has a working long term macroeconomic policy that works ...which he won a Nobel for. What's so cool about this clip is? Milton's right; but the kid is a good, well reasoned foil; and Milty doesn't embarrass him. He teaches. He does, however, point out why many people hate economists: when they are right, the answer is usually not the one you wanted. In this case? I'm not sure how much fault the company bears ... with regard to the ignition problem. My understanding is that it's an issue of weight of the rest of the key chain... To what extent should GM have to engineer their switch to bear weight? Should it be a bowling ball? I'm pretty sure this problem only occurs if you have a ridiculous key chain; they've done the recall; they're paying damages. And ... they probably got some favor since the govt was in the process of bailing them out. All wrong. but Milty is right: this should be a corporate negligence issue. And govt shouldn't be interfering, especially when it has an interest (bailout) in seeing GM succeed. That said ... I'm reminded of a great scene from one of my all time favorite books/movies (and only one of three that makes both lists) ... which I'm looking for, now.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIdmkETuWeM

    Couldn't find the video . but the follow up is Passenger:"What car company do you work for?" EdNorton: "A major one." Passenger then asks to be reseated ...

  3. allen (in Michigan)4:26 AM

    What strikes me about the exchange is the relative magnanimity of the left which is understandable. After all, back when Micheal Moore was still skinny the left was still ascendent but still without the power to prevent debate. The sort of overt attempts to shut down debate weren't necessary, since the left was winning, nor a good idea. Public revulsion at spectacles of lefty excess were a concern.

    Now the left's clearly losing their control of the debate and, like the lawyer who has neither the law nor the facts on their side, pounds the table.

  4. allen .... darren ... I am completely embarrassed to now realize that I totally ignored the fact that that was Michael Moore. So I need to add... I'm hot and cold on MM. I ALWAYS showed Roger and Me in my econ classes ... (unfair liberal tripe, maybe ... but also accurate) but not in a vacuum. We would always discuss. Seeing this again, now that I realize who it is?I see a really thoughtful young man who realized at some point that he needed to become sort of a jerk to make his points. which he has, usuallly humorously, but sometimes not. But damn. What I would give to have been able to have Milton Friedman tell me I was wrong ...
