Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I'm Surprised It Took This Long

The San Francisco Bay isn't so large, I'm surprised it took over 120 years to come upon this wreck:
The first images of the newly discovered wreckage of a steamship that sank in San Francisco Bay in 1888, killing 16 people, were released Wednesday by federal ocean scientists.

The iron and wood steamship City of Chester went down on Aug. 22, 1888, after it was struck in dense fog by a larger ship...

More than 125 years later, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration team found the shipwreck in 217 feet of water just inside the Golden Gate Bridge while the scientists were charting shipping channels.
I wish the article had linked to the images!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:40 PM

    One sonar image in this article:
