Thursday, April 17, 2014


It's not that I think creativity is overrated--it's vitally important.  However, except in some forms of art, creativity without any knowledge is kind of a waste, don't you think?

I don't know if the author of the tweet below intended to be ironic or not, but I found the comment not only funny but deep.  The idea on the thread was to come up with the plotline for education-related movies, here's one that made me laugh:
"The world's scientists are debilitated by disease; laypeople race against time to cure them using only creativity."
When it's important we care about genuine content knowledge, don't we?

1 comment:

  1. allen (in Michigan)1:51 PM

    Yuppers but I'll go you a step further; creativity is impossible without content knowledge. What would you be creative about and how would you know you were creative if you had no knowledge of what had gone before?

    I'd modify Paul Bruno's tweet to read:

    "The world's scientists are debilitated by disease; laypeople race against time to cure them using only creativity and higher order thinking skills."
