Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Clearly This Is A Racist Political Lie

That's pretty much what an O-bot says when confronted with truth, fact, and evidence:
Health industry officials say ObamaCare-related premiums will double in some parts of the country, countering claims recently made by the administration.

The expected rate hikes will be announced in the coming months amid an intense election year, when control of the Senate is up for grabs. The sticker shock would likely bolster the GOP’s prospects in November and hamper ObamaCare insurance enrollment efforts in 2015.

The industry complaints come less than a week after Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius sought to downplay concerns about rising premiums in the healthcare sector. She told lawmakers rates would increase in 2015 but grow more slowly than in the past. 
Cut to video of "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor", "bending the cost curve", and similar lies.

Ah, the wages of socialism.


  1. Not sure where you're getting the racism from ... but obviously rates are going up, because Obamacare had nary a provision to reduce costs ... which is the only way you can reduce costs ...

  2. pseudotsuga8:25 AM

    I think Darren is satirizing the response that many Democrats/Progressives/O-bots use when confronted with actual evidence which discredits something related to Obama's policies: they discount it with a cry of "racism." They either believe that criticism of Obama and his policies is actually racism, or they use the racism tag as a way of poisoning the well.

  3. Jerry, pseu ... I got the sarcasm. It wasn't good sarcasm, though ... In part, because I have barely heard the criticism of this horrible initiative be referred to as racist ... nor should it be. It's just incompetent. And he's acknowledging it, by peeling away one condition after another. I want to be able to think of Obama as being the worst President in my lifetime without race even being a factor ... and he's on;y half black, at most ... so if you want to go there, which I don't, which is the stupid half? I'd go with both.

  4. It was closer to satire than sarcasm. It was a dig at lefties, and a dig that I could not have explained more clearly than I did in the opening sentence of the post. Sheesh, some people.

  5. You're entitled to your dig, Darren ... but Obamacare has enough wrong with it that I haven't even seen lefties, or anyone else really try to play that card. Perhaps you have ... but all the leftie pundits who are still sort of on board (Allen Colmes Bob Bechel, Rachel Maddow ...) They still seem to be playing the 'people are better off' card rather than racism. I think it's funny when they accuse opposition of being racist, when that's actually doing, but I don't believe that's the case in this instance. I'd much rather mock the Dems for not having read the law (which Pelosi, at least ad mmitted) and of having no understanding of the insurance industry, or economics ... which the continue to demonstrate on a daily basis.
