Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Why? Why Do I Work In A Field With So Many Idiots?

I have no problem at all with following rules, but mindlessly following stupid rules--rules that were created solely to cover someone's butt--is a painful thing to watch.  Here's another student who's being crushed by the idiocy:
A high school senior in Clarksville, Tennessee, has been suspended for ten days and ordered to go to an alternative school for ninety days after because school officials found a fishing knife in his car.

The knife belongs to his father, who is a commercial fisherman and also owns the vehicle; the student didn’t realize his dad had accidentally left the knife in the car.

His family is calling the punishment a major overreaction to an honest mistake, but school officials have maintained that it is appropriate and in line with the school’s “zero tolerance” policy. As a result, the boy, an honor student with no previous offenses, may miss his prom, graduation and even college and scholarship deadlines. He is also facing weapons charges with the county sheriff’s department.
I didn't watch the video.  I wonder if it explains how school officials found this knife in the first place.  Is there more to the story than what I've quoted above, or are they the idiots they're made out to be?


  1. And it's like gun control, only goes after law abiding citizens. I've carried a pocket knife in my pocket daily since I was 12 or so. No one has died yet. Because I don't have the inclination to cut their throat. If someone has that inclination, I doubt a rule written in a book will stop them.

  2. Ahhh, Darren. You DO KNOW that people have asked the question in your headline to themselves many times, but were too polite to ask it aloud...

    I'm thinking it's the summer breaks and the kids that keep you going. God bless. :)

  3. In elementary school, my daughter was almost suspended because her mom packed a PLASTIC knife in her lunch, so that she could ... maybe... cut her apple. Common sense prevailed but she could not do it again ...

  4. If you are outraged at this story, what do you think of this one?

  5. Ellen K ... ny first response is that, It's really easy to mistake a Coor's Light for a soda, even if you're drinking it. that said ... a little bit of a different story. The knife was in a car in the parking lot, and presumably locked up and unattainable ... and how did the school get to search the car? In this case? the student had brought alcohol on to campus, which is actually a no-no ... with good reason. I think the punishment was very much excessive, but he could have avoided it if he'd just dumped it in a bathroom garbage can ... I have no idea what he was thinking.
