Friday, February 28, 2014

West Point Honors Ms. Rice

Condoleeza, not Susan:
The West Point Association of Graduates and the United States Military Academy have announced that Condoleezza Rice will receive the SYLVANUS THAYER AWARD on Monday, October 6, 2014.

Since 1958, the West Point Association of Graduates has presented the Sylvanus Thayer Award to an outstanding citizen of the United States, other than a West Point graduate, whose service and accomplishments in the national interest exemplify personal devotion to the ideals expressed in the West Point motto, “DUTY, HONOR, COUNTRY.”
Past recipients have included Neil Armstrong, Billy Graham, Clare Booth Luce, Edward Teller, Ronald Reagan, Barbara Jordan, Walter Cronkite, Colin Powell, Sandra Day O'Connor, Tom Brokaw, and Madeleine Albright.

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