Friday, February 07, 2014

Slapping Both

Sometimes I enjoy reading The Economist just for the entertaining style of some of the writing.  For example, the following comes from page 31 of the February 8th edition at the end of an article on the Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate:
Most Americans reject young-earth creationism.  But the share of Republicans who believe that humans evolved fell from 54% in 2009 to 43% last year.  Democrats, do not look so smug; your lot are likelier to believe in UFOs, ghosts and astrology.  Also, that the moon landings were faked, that the CIA introduced crack to inner cities and that America's government conspired in the September 11th attacks.  It's enough to make an ape weep.


  1. allen (in Michigan)3:51 AM

    The problem lies not, as I've previously mentioned, in unproven and unprovable beliefs but in the irresistibly tempting option afforded by the public education system to impose your views on naive children.

    Creationism, or intelligent design, has no scientific validity. The entire intellectual effort of creationists lies not in trying to defend creationism but in trying to introduce fraud-tinged doubts about evolution. But that's necessary since creationism is a religious belief the case for which can be boiled roughly down to "cause I sez so" which is perfectly acceptable to believers but not so much for non-believers. Non-believers will require proof for which there is none in support of creationism.

    The solution to the problem lies in allowing parents to make the decision and take responsibility for the resulting scientific mis-education.

  2. Here's my thing ... personally I believe that evolutionary theory is grounded in fact. I also don't believe in a God ... but for those who do? Why can't your God, in his infinite wisdom, have created the foundation for the evolutionary process? I don't believe it, but now our beliefs need not be incompatible. God/Big Bang ... it's a wash. We're here.
