Monday, February 03, 2014

Are You Kidding Me?

Is there anyone left, even some "bitter clingers" somewhere, who believe anything this man says anymore?
IRS SCANDAL UPDATE: Obama denies any wrongdoing on IRS, Benghazi. “President Obama said Sunday there was “not even a smidgen” of corruption in the IRS targeting of conservative groups, and that his team did not try to deceive the nation about the terrorist attack in Benghazi to aid his reelection bid in 2012. In a contentious interview with Bill O’Reilly of Fox News before the Super Bowl, the president said he doesn’t remember meeting with former IRS chief Douglas Shulman during any of Mr. Shulman’s 157 visits to the White House during his first term.”

This reminds me of something: “Number of times that Hillary Clinton, providing testimony to Congress, said that she didn’t remember, didn’t know, or something similar: 250.”
Why did the IRS apologize for doing it, then, if they did nothing wrong?  Idiot.


  1. I certainly don't ... nor do I believe anything either of the Clintons says. What gets me worse is the fact that they think they can fool us by being smug ... and what gets me worse than that is they keep winning ...

  2. And ...Another thing... If the reporter doing the interview had been anyone NOT affiliated with FOX news, would it have been described as contentious? O'Reilly asked completely fair questions which Obama either evaded, or didn't answer at all. When that happens, follow up questions should absolutely be encouraged. I just can't believe that there are people out there who would probably still vote for him if he were eligible for a third term...
