Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Voter ID Laws

I received the following from a reader and am happy to pass this information along:
I and several others have been working for over a year to get an Initiative addressing Voter ID to the ballot. We need your help in spreading the word. I have read your blog for 3+ years and know that you occasionally write about voter ID. Our web site is and we have a Face Book page as well titled Guard My Vote. Our petitions are being printed today and we need people to collect 504,760 valid signatures before May 30th. This is a total grass roots effort and donations will be needed to sustain this effort…. so any help you can provide by spreading the word will be appreciated. We hope that you will also post some of your opinions and articles on our Face Book page. Mexico even has a better voting system than CA and they require an ID.


  1. From previous ballot initiatives I've heard about, you have to be really attentive to the instructions for acquiring signatures. Even the wrong paper is used for a petition, they can throw out the names. Details matter!

  2. As they should ... ballot initiatives need to be harder to get approved, not easier... especially when people get paid per signature and don't care what they are whoring themselves out for at a Walmart where no one reads the actual petition. The number of times I've come across people gathering petitions for an initiative that does exactly the opposite of what the sign on their table says ...
