Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I Can't Believe A School Would Suspend A Kid For This

What a kid does outside of school is no business of the school's, and they have no business disciplining a student for out-of-school behavior (with very few, delineated exceptions, and this is not one of them):
An 18-year-old Florida student is set to return to class Wednesday after he says he was suspended when school officials learned of his pornographic online photos and videos.

Robert Marucci, a senior at Cocoa High School in Cocoa, Florida, told CNN affiliate WKMG that he picked up his X-rated gig to help his mom pay the bills.

His mom, Melyssa Lieb, said when students discovered the explicit material online, her son became a target. "He was bullied, he was threatened."

Then, according to Lieb, her son was suspended, because the principal didn't approve of his after-school activities.

Lieb told CNN affiliate WPLG, "I think that it is Dr. (Stephanie) Soliven's morals and her personal beliefs and I don't think that this is anybody's business except for my son's. The children at the school found (the porn), and she didn't do anything to stop it."


  1. I had a students years ago that was a stripper. She had been orphaned at an early age, was tired of the foster home gambit and abuse, so she struck a deal with her social worker to live on her own as long as she had a job where she could go to school. Dallas back in the 80's didn't have much in the way of middle of the night office work, so she took a job she could do. She had her own apartment and a new Corvette. When she graduated, she had a scholarship and left her earlier life behind. Sometimes people have to choose to survive on their own.

  2. allen (in Michigan)5:25 AM

    I can't believe that you can't believe a school would suspend a kid for this.

    After all that "gnawing a Pop Tart into a gun" nonsense, not to mention numberless, similarly idiotic excesses I should think anyone with an analytical bent would have moved past goggling at this sort of nonsense to trying to analyze what forces motivate otherwise reasonable people to act so foolishly.

    I suppose these sorts of eruptions come from the shallower end of the public education employee intelligence pool but there sure do seem to be a lot of them and even boobs need some reason to put their foolishness on display. Yet what little analysis I've read tends to be cursory where it isn't distinctly self-congratulatory.
