Friday, December 27, 2013

How I Spent Christmas

After my son and I did Christmas morning together, we both took off--he to his mother's house, I to San Francisco.

It's hard to believe, but I have a friend who had never before been to San Francisco.  He couldn't get anyone to take his shift at work today, so he flew in Christmas afternoon and flew out of Sacramento early this morning.  This gave us somewhat over 24 hours in The City.

December in San Francisco is Northern California's best-kept secret, and I can say that knowing that no one will remember or believe me anyway.  In fact, the weather there the last couple days was better than what they usually get in June--clear skies and 60's, no wind, no fog.

You want proof:
click to see complete picture
Only in SF would you need a 20 minute time limit and the first "rule" at a public toilet!

View from Telegraph Hill

Who doesn't love Ghirardelli chocolate?!

I could tour this submarine over and over again--and in fact have done so!

Fort Point, a Fort Sumter-like garrison at the entrance to the Golden Gate.  That's the Golden Gate Bridge towering over it.

Alcatraz, with the cell block on top


  1. So amused by the toilet rules, on so many levels ... first, you're right, only in SF would they need to think of these ... because they have city policies which cause homeless people to flock to them ... but, also --and, I think, the funnier part ... do they really think that posting those rules will stop the unwanted behavior? 20 min limit? Who's timing? And, suppose someone is? The people who would spend 20 minutes in a porta-potty are the same ones who can't pay and might relish a night in a warm jail ... same with the other rules.

  2. Anonymous6:06 AM

    The Ferry Place Market is foodie heaven and I had the best crab soup ever across the street at One Market. Locals know they need to bring their own plastic bags for produce at the three-times-a-week Ferry Place Farmers' Market - vendors are required to use recyclable ones that compost salad greens in less than an hour; nanny government at its most ridiculous.
